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Meet the Director
The Rt. Rev. Dr. P. J. Lawrence

Born in Nandyal, AP, India  in 1947


Early and University Education was completed in Karnataka, India. Graduated with BSc., in Natural Sciences and M.A. In Social Sciences. B. D. In Theology from The United Theological College, Bangalore, and  D. Min.  (Doctor of Ministry) from Colombia Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Georgia.

Ordained for the Ministry in the Church of South India (CSI)  in1971 and served as a full-time Pastoral Minister in until 1989.  During the same period, engaged in programs of social action and socio-economic and political Justice at National, Asian, and International levels through Church and Society organizations.


1978-79: Undertook study of Church and Society in the Philippines.


1990 -2000: Missionary of the CSI with the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands in Jamaica through Council for World Mission CWM, During which time served both in Pastoral Ministry and Theological Education as Director, ITLD (Institute for Theological Leadership and Development) . Through ITLD, developed Theological Education and Leadership Development, leading to Certificate, Diploma and Degree levels. Also started successfully Degree in Guidance and Counseling. These programs are accredited by the University Council of Jamaica. ITLD is now become IUC International University in the Caribbean


2000-2006: Director, ITLD(United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands) in the Cayman Islands. Engaged in successfully implementing the ITLD Jamaica programs in the Cayman Islands. Delivered the MAPPC (Masters in Pastoral Psychology and Counseling) program from the St Stephen’s, Alberta University, Canada. Some of our graduates moved on to complete their PhD.




Called to ministry and mission of preaching, teaching, healing, counseling and care giving in Jesus' way of disciplines and discipleship.

Vision and Passion

To equip the people of God through ministerial training and, theological formation, and spiritual leadership development for both church and society.

2006 - 2013: Consecrated and served as Bishop, CSI Nandyal Diocese, AP, India. During which time had the pastoral and administrative responsibility of nearly 350(three hundred fifty) congregations with 100 priests, 50 evangelists, schools, colleges, hospitals and other institutions including a blind school.


2013 - 2016 Served as the Director, Anglican Training Center, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. During which time established Ecumenical Theological College in Mauritius. Started D.Min., Doctor of Ministry for senior leadership of the Church in The Province of Indian Ocean including Mauritius  , Seychelles, and Madagascar. This program is of great value to the church senior leadership.

2016 - Date:  Initiated The Centre for Theological Leadership (CTLT)  in the Cayman Islands with a vision to educate, enrich, and empower God's people for ministry and mission in the service of the church and society for the Glory of God; by promoting higher-learning and critical thinking in theological education for ministerial formation and transformational leadership.

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Rt. Rev. Dr. P.J. Lawrence

T: (345) 922-3902


PO Box 1584

George Town  KY1-1110

Grand Cayman



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Winston Vernon
1 (345) 324-8196
Rt. Rev. Dr. P.J. Lawrence
1 (345) 922-3902

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